FAmily resources

Risen savior is here for your family. 

Please contact the school office if your family needs assistance not listed here.

Local  resources 

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state resources 

Cash Assistance

In the state of Arizona, low income families can qualify for cash assistance by following the link in the QR code below.

Housing Assistance

Many resources are  available through   2-1-1.
You can dial 2-1-1 on your phone, or go to the following link through the QR Code below.

Food Assistance

The state of Arizona provides food stamps for low income families through the snap system.
Below is a QR code that takes you to the application.
If you do not qualify for SNAP benefits, there are  also local food banks that can provide food assistance.
Matthew’s Crossing Food Bank
1368 N. Arizona Ave.
Chandler, AZ 85225
AZCEND Food Bank—Food Pantry
345 S. California St. Chandler, AZ 85225

national resources 

Strengthening Families

The Strengthening Families approach and protective factors framework is a research-informed, strengths-based approach that prevents child abuse and neglect by focusing on the well-being of all families and helping families identify and build on their own protective factors. Parent Guide to Resilience:

Pyramid Model for Families

The Pyramid Model is used to promote the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of young children birth to five, address disparities in discipline practices, promote family engagement, use data for decision-making, and foster inclusion of children with, and at risk for, developmental delays and disabilities.  Learn how you can help your child at home here.