Quality first scholarships
Risen Savior has been blessed to receive nine grants for families who qualify. The scholarships can be used for full- or part-time, so parents can use it in either our full day child care program or our half day preschool program. Parents must make at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships, please call the school office at 480-802-1505 and check on current availability. The Quality First Scholarship Application has more information. Families will need to complete the application and submit it with a birth certificate, proof of family size, and proof of income.
If you are interested in applying for one of these scholarships, please call the school office at 480-802-1505 and check on current availability. The Quality First Scholarship Application has more information. Families will need to complete the application and submit it with a birth certificate, proof of family size, and proof of income.

DES Funding
Risen Savior is contracted with Arizona Department of Economic Security and accepts families with DES funding.
ACSTO Scholarship
As an enrollee at Risen Savior's Kindergarten, the student is eligible to apply for a scholarship from ACSTO - Arizona Christian Scholarship Tuition Organization. For more information and to fill out an application click below.