Tuition & Fees

Registration and Annual fee

Upon enrolling at Risen Savior's Early Childhood Center, families are charged a registration fee based on the following schedule:
  • 1st Child - $125
  • 2nd Child - $50
  • 3+ Children - $0

Registration fees are prorated quarterly based on the school year. For example, families joining in October will pay 75%, in January 50%, and in March 25% of the registration fee schedule.
The same schedule applies to Annual Fees charged at the beginning of each subsequent  school year.


With the exception of Kindergarten, tuition is billed weekly on Thursdays and families pay on Fridays for the following Monday.

full day preschool/childcare

7AM- 6PM

Monday through Friday:
  • $255/wk for 3-4 year old classes
  • $285/wk for 1-2 year old classes
  • $310/wk for Infant class
  • $165/wk for 3-4 year old classes
  • $180/wk for 1-2 year old classes
  • $195/wk for Infant class
  • $115/wk for 3-4 year old classes
  • $135/wk for 1-2 year old classes
  • $150/wk for Infant class


Annual tuition for Kindergarten is $9,625. Historically, this class has been 100% subsidized through tax credit donations from families and the Risen Savior congregation. Families must have an active scholarship application with ACSTO and any other scholarship tuition organization of their choice. Please contact the school office for more information about Arizona's tax credit laws and how this tuition billing works.

Extended care is available for families who need it. Hours are 7am - 8:30am and 3pm - 6pm.
  • Extended Care $195/month

Payment MEthods

Tuition can be paid in a variety of ways at Risen Savior. is where families can make online payments using a credit or debit card. An invitation will be emailed to families upon enrollment. There is a 2.75% fee with this payment method and, unfortunately no way to set it to autopay. Families must log in weekly to pay, if choosing this method.

Families may also elect to complete the Tuition Express form, which authorizes Risen Savior to deduct tuition from a debit/credit card or a bank account. The same 2.75% applies to cards, however ACH transactions are only 75₵. Tuition Express will run automatically each week after billing posts.

Finally, parents can drop off a check or pay in cash at the school office. No fees apply. Front office staff can also take credit/debit cards for your convenience.

Late fees & Payments

Risen Savior closes promptly at 6pm daily. Families who are late will be charged $1/minute.

Late tuition payments and payments returned for insufficient funds will be charged $15.


Payment of tuition is not required for two weeks each year provided Risen Savior is given notice on our online Schedule Change Form.  The year runs approximately with the school’s calendar and is defined as July 1st through June 30th.  To qualify as vacation time, the vacation must be taken in a one week blocks of time, although not necessarily Monday through Friday. Please note – one of your vacation weeks MUST be the week between Christmas Eve and New Years Day when the center shuts down. The other week is at your discretion.

Illness & Absenteeism

Tuition is due even if your child is not in attendance as a result of illness or other absence.  This includes long-term absences such as the flu or minor surgeries. Families may elect to withdraw and re-enroll at the prorated registration fee for extended absences. Placement is not guaranteed.